You use AI everyday and more often than you think, usually without realising. You probably found this blog by using AI in a search engine. But what is AI? Well, our definition is: “Artificial Intelligence simulates human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities using the intelligence of machines and software.”
The first ever technological inventions were made nearly 2 million years ago; we still use the wheel and love to sit by the log fire which supports that we benefit from the latest technology available as we evolve. It could be argued that Technology is the most useful tool we have right now to help…
Cyclopz Business Training
Since the pandemic Cyclopz Business Training has been proud to deliver accredited online training.
This has enabled us to help our clients through their personal and professional business training journeys.
From 31st December 2023, due to governing body and legislation changes we will no longer be supplying our current online training catalogue.
Whilst we know…
Business analysts play a critical role in organisations, bridging the gap between business needs and technology solutions. The Business Analyst course is a training programme designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to fulfil this role. Our goal is to enable you to understand business processes, document requirements and contribute to successful…
Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and use various computing resources over the internet. Instead of relying on local servers or personal computers, cloud computing enables businesses and individuals to utilise remote servers and infrastructure provided by cloud service providers.
What is Agile Project Management?
Agile Project Management is a project delivery methodology which was created as a response to limitations that traditional project management could not deliver specially, for the software development industry. However, this has now evolved into mainstream project management.
What problem does Agile solve?
Agile allows for continuous…
Staff can often become unmotivated to learn a new skill because they have limited time that hasn't already been scheduled, or they are scared of the unknown.
Often staff become comfortable with the knowledge and skills they already have, causing them to stop expanding their skills and this can make your staff feel like they are…
Training is proven to increase staff morale, promote self-worth and can give employees focus and direction. Businesses who do not engage in their employees' aspirations are likely to have a high staff turnover, wasting untold fortunes and time in recruitment whilst potentially allowing real talent to waltz out of the door directly into the arms…
Invest in your people...
... invest in your future
Richard Branson has a philosophy that customers come second, employees first. As a man that founded the Virgin Group in the 1970s and is now worth about five billion dollars, we like to think he knows what he’s talking about. Investing in your people is money…
Cyclopz Group are proud to announce that we are Founding Members of the new Herefordshire Means Business network.
Herefordshire Means Business are committed to working closely with local businesses to bring our community together through organising Networking Events, Exhibitions, Conferences and Training Courses, helping them to grow and thrive in the difficult world we live in.